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All References with Titles containing 'drug test' OR with Authors including 'drug test' OR with Abstract including 'drug test' OR with Keywords including 'drug test'

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Landis C, Clausen J Certain effects of mescaline and lysergic acid on psychological functi... J. Psychol. 1954
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... J. Psychol. 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, H... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): V. Effect on spatial relations ab... J. Psychol. 1955
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, H... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VI. Effect upon recall and recogn... J. Psychol. 1955
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, H... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VIII. Effect on arithmetic test p... J. Psychol. 1955
Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Primac DW, Mirsky AF, Ros... Effects of centrally acting drugs on two tests of brain damage Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1957
  Prisoners aid mental study in drug tests. Scope Weekly 1957
Maynard DM Action of drugs on lobster cardiac ganglion Fed. Proc. 1958
Jarvik ME, Chorover S Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide upon certain aspects of memory (... Fed. Proc. 1958
Ruiz C Las psicosis experimentales. Estudio comparativo entre las del LSD-25... Frontis 1958
BOSZORMENYI Z, DER P, NAG... Observations on the psychotogenic effect of N-N diethyltryptamine, a n... J Ment Sci 1959
Cutting W, Baslow M, Read... The use of fish in the evaluation of drugs affecting the central nervo... J.Clin.& Exper.Psych... 1959
Tedeschi DH, Tedeschi RE,... The effects of tryptamine on the central nervous system, including a p... J.Pharmacol.Exper.Th... 1959
Luduena FP, O'malley E, O... Effect of adrenergic blockers and related compounds on the toxicity of... Arch. internat. phar... 1959
Dhawan BN Effect of drugs on LSD-25 induced pyrexia in rabbits. pha... 1959
Rosenbaum G, Cohen BD, Lu... Comparison of Sernyl with other drugs. Simulation of schizophrenic pe... A.M.A. Arch. Gen. Ps... 1959
Divry P, Bobon J, Collard... La "lysergo-analyse" comme technique propédeutique en psychiatrie Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Brunaud M, Siou G Action de substances psychotropes, chez le rat, sur un un état d'agres... Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Sandison RA Discussion Fourth Symposium: Comparison of drug-induced and endogenou... Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Eisner BG Observations on possible order within the unconscious Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Lienert GA Changes in the factor structure of intelligence tests produced by d-ly... Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Ziolko HU Psychotrope Drogenwirkung und psychische Ausgangslage (Neurose) Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
JO Cole Discussion of Papers on Psychopharmacologic Studies JS Gottlieb, G Tourn... 1959
Rinkel M, Atwell CR, Dima... Experimental Psychiatry. V. Psilocybine, A New Psychotogenic Drug New England J. Med. 1960
Witt P A Biological Test Method for Psychotropic Drugs Based on the Web-Build... 7th National Medicin... 1960
Abramson HA Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXX. The Questionnaire Techniqu... J.Psychol. 1960
Hamilton CL Effects of LSD-25 and amphetamine on a running response in the rat. A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1960
Cohen S Lysergic acid diethylamide: side effects and complications J. Nerv. ment. Dis. 1960
Evans FT The Effect of Several Psychotomimetic Drugs on Human Serum Cholinester... Psychopharmacologia 1960
Taeschler M, Cerletti A Zur Pharmakologie psychoaktiver Wirkstoffe Munchen. med. Wschr. 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... LSD and JB-318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. I. An explorator... A.M.A. Arch. gen. Ps... 1960
Fox SS LSD alteration of optic potentials (cat lateral geniculate); block by ... Fed.Proc. 1960
van Lennep JE Performance on some projective tests under LSD-25 Advanc. Psychosom. M... 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and JB-318: A comparison of two hall... A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1960
Silverstein AB, Klee GD The effet of lysergic acid diethylamide on digit span J. Clin. exper. Psyc... 1960
Shirahashi K Electroencephalographic study of mental disturbances experimentally-in... Folia Psychiat. Neu... 1960
Berde B, Doepfner W, Cerl... Ueber die Wirkungsdauer einiger Serotoninantagonisten. Helvet. physiol.phar... 1960
Ishido M Psychopathologische Untersuchungen der psychischen LSD-Störung - Erfor... Psychiat. Neurol. Ja... 1960
Krill AE, Wieland AM, Ost... The effect of two hallucinogenic agents on human retinal function AMA Arch. Ophth. 1960
Gupta GP, Dhawan BN Blockade of reserpine emesis in pigeons Arch. int. pharmacod... 1960
Abramson HA Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). XXXI. Comparison by questionnai... J.Ment.Sci. 1960
Silverstein AB, Klee GD The Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Dual Pursuit Performance J.Clin.& Exper.Psych... 1960
Aronson H, Klee GD Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) on impulse control J.Nerv.& Ment.Dis. 1960
HA abramson Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25): XXX. The questionnaire techniqu... J. Psychol. 1960
FT Evans The effect of several psychotomimetic drugs on human serum cholinester... Psychopharmacologia 1960
Editorial "Tangled web" helps drug testing Med. News 1960
LE Hollister, JJ Prusmack... Comparison of three psychotropic drugs (Psilocybin, JB-329, and IT-290... J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... 1960
Kays JM, Garrett R The Effect of Three Dose Levels of EA1729 (LSD) Upon Tracking Proficie... Military Report 1961
Heimann H Ausdrucksphanomenologie der Modellpsychosen (Psilocybin): Vergleich m... Psychiatria et Neuro... 1961
Hollister LE Clinical, biochemical and psychologic effects of Psilocybin Arch. internat. Phar... 1961
Christiansen A, Baum R, W... Changes in spider webs brought about by mescaline, psilocybin and an i... J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... 1962
Heard G Can this drug enlarge man's mind? Psychedelic Rev. 1963
Pahnke W Drugs and Mysticism: An Analysis of the Relationship between Psychedel... Thesis Harvard Unive... 1963
ROSZKOWSKI AP, KELLEY NM A rapid method for assessing drug inhibition of feeding behavior J Pharmacol Exp Ther... 1963
Mirsky AF, Kornetsky C On the dissimilar effects of drugs on the Digit Symbol Substitution an... Psychopharmacologia 1964
Wilson RE, Shagass C Comparison of Two Drugs with Psychotomimetic Effects (LSD and Ditran) J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1964
Wilson RE, Shagass C Comparison of two drugs with psychotomimetic effects (LSD and Ditran) J. Nerv. Ment. Dis 1964
Aghajanian GK, Bing OHL Persistence of lysergic acid diethylamide in the plasma of human subje... Clin. Pharmacol. The... 1964
Fontana AE, Reynoso R Individual psychotherapy with hallucinogens Psychotherapy with H... 1965
Harman WW, McKim RH, Moga... Psychedelic agents in creative problem-solving: A pilot study Psychological Report... 1966
Ungerleider JT, Tisher DD LSD Today Medical Digest 1967
McGlothlin W, Cohen S, Mc... Long lasting effects of LSD on normals Arch Gen Psychiat 1967
Frosch WA, Robbins E, Rob... Motivation for self-administration of LSD Psychiat.Quart. 1967
McGlothlin W, Cohen S, Mc... Long lasting effects of LSD on normals Arch Gen Psychiat 1967
Groh G, Lemieux M The effect of LSD-25 on Spider web formation International Journa... 1968
Ungerleider JT, Fischer D... The 'bad trip' - the etiology of the adverse LSD reaction Amer J Psychiat 1968
McGlothlin WH, Cohen S, M... Long-lasting effects of LSD on normals Drug Abuse, Social a... 1969
Aghajanian GK, Foote WE, ... Action of psychotogenic drugs on single midbrain raphe neurons J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... 1970
Robson JM Testing drugs for teratogenicity and their effects on fertility. The p... Brit. med. Bull. 1970
Witt PN Drugs alter web-building of spiders: a review and evaluation. Behav Sci. 1971
Dittrich A Alteration of behavioural changes induced by 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyleth... Psychopharmacologia 1971
Gaston TR, Rasmussen GT Identification of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine Bureau of Narcotics ... 1972
Sreenivasan VR Problems in Identification of Methylenediony and Methoxy Amphetamines Journal of Criminal ... 1972
Barr HL, Langs RJ, Holt R... LSD : Personality And Experience   1972
Jaffe J, Dahlberg CC, Lur... Speech Rhythms in patient monlogues; the influence of LSD-25 and dextr... Biological Psychiatr... 1972
Voss EW Immunochemistry of tryptophan related drugs Final Report: NIMH G... 1972
Muller DJ [ no Title ] Amer J Psychiat 1972
Pittel SM Psychological Aspects of Heroin and Other Drug Dependence 'It's So Good, Don't... 1972
Johnson DW, Gunn JW Dangerous drugs: adulterants, diluents, and deception in street sample... J Forensic Sci 1972
Salzman C, Lieff J, Kocha... The psychology of hallucinogenic drug discontinuers Am J Psychiatry 1972
Hardman HF, Haavik CO, Se... Relationship of the structure of mescaline and seven analogs to toxici... Toxicol Appl Pharmac... 1973
Soskin RA The Use of LSD in Time-Limited Psychotherapy J Nerv Ment Dis 1973
Soskin RA, Grof S, Richar... Low Doses of Dipropyltryptamine in Psychotherapy Arch Gen Psychiat 1973
ANDERSON, FLOYD E. [ no Title ] Amer..Psychiat. 1973
Wray SR., Cowan A Correlation Between Animal and Clinical Findings with a Psychotomimeti... Neuropharmacology 1973
Yamada K, Ogawa N, Gomita... State-Dependent Learning (Dissociation of Learning) with Hallucinogens... Jap.Pharmacol. 1973
Fiorese FF, Pirl JN, Mani... Ethchlorvynol Reagent for Functional Groups Detection Anal. Chem. 1973
Bye C, Munro-Faure AD, Pe... A comparison of the effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and dexamphetamine o... Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1973
Turek IS, Soskin RA, Kurl... Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Subjective Effects Journal of Psychedel... 1974
Culver CM, King FW Neuropsychological Assessment of Undergraduate Marihuana and LSD Users Arch.gen.Psychiat. 1974
Gillespie JS, McGrath JC The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the vas deferens an... Brit.J.Pharmacol. 1974
Hirschhorn ID, Rosecrans ... A comparison of the sitimulus effects of morphine and lysergic acid di... Pharmacol. Riochem. ... 1974
Marks V, Morris BA, Teale... Pharmacology Brit Med Bull 1974
Stoff DM, Mandel IJ, Gore... Acute and Chronic Effects of LSD and 3,4-Dimethoxyphenylethylamine on ... Psychopharmacologia ... 1974
Fossati C I Danni Provocati Dall'abuso di Bevande Alcooliche: Possibilita di Dis... Clin Ter 1974
Janzik HH, Kroenert K, Gu... Hormonal Evaluation in Young Drug Addicts J.Pharmacol. 1974
Kuhn DM, Appel JB, Greenb... An Analysis of Some Discriminative Properties of d-Amphetamine Psychopharmacologia 1974
Luria J An Investigation Of Interactions Among LSD Dextroamphetamine, And Verb... Diss.Abstr.Intern.B 1974
McCabe OL Psychedelic (LSD) psychotherapy: a case report Psychotherapy Theory... 1974

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